Self care team
Any positive change should be celebrated, but to truly embrace the cleanse process we advise you support your juice cleanse with other tools. Cleansing involves whole body systems and we need to approach it that way for optimal results.
We have an amazing community of caring partners who we know and love.
Float Session or Cryo - Gravity Float / Gravity Cryo
Sauna - The Orchard at Prahran Health
Hair treatment and blow wave at Organika Hair -
Acupuncture/restore session with Amanda Waaldyk - Angea
Card Reading with Jenny Putna -
Colonic at Aquahealth or Cleanse-Hawthorne
1 Giant Mind App
Massage from Still Beauty - @stillbeautyau
Reiki session with Abbey Fox -
Sound Healing session - Healing Delight
Making the switch to natural beauty -
Books We Love
Mastering your Mean Girl:
Pana Chocolate the Recipes:
Websites We Love
Living Greene
Principles of health
It’s the simple things that often produce the most profound impact on health. The things that are easy to do are also the things easy not to do. The game changers. There are our favourite low-tech, low cost options to live better and we know that consistency over time trumps a one off diet every time. Consistency ALWAYS trumps severity.
If you can commit to nothing more, consider the benefits of daily;
- Fresh air
- Sunshine
- Movement you enjoy
- Organic Wholefoods
- Meditation
- Healthy relationships
Eat the Rainbow
This is where Nat’s rainbow scale will appear (To be advised by Nat)
Red: eg. beetroot
Orange &Yellow: eg. pumpkin, carrot, squash, high in vitamin C and carotenoids, antioxidants, immune support, skin health, anti-inflammatory.
Green: eg. any leafy vegetables, chlorophyll, deeply blood cleansing, oxygenating, alkalising
Blue & Purple: eg. berries, high in flavonoids, antioxidant rich, antiageing,
Cleanse Enhancers
Dry Skin Brushing
Bodecare is a great brand (include link to chart or youtube video if Nat’s choice)
Herbal Teas
Deep Breathing and Meditation
Activated Charcoal
Hillbilby Fire Tonic:
Bulletproof Activated Charcoal:
Drop Bottle: