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The state of health in Australia for 2024 - how do you match up?

The state of health in Australia for 2024 - how do you match up?

The State of Australia's Health: Room for Improvement

The Health of the Nation 2024 report in IN and it paints a mixed picture of Australian health. While Australians generally enjoy good health and long lifespans compared to many other countries, there are concerning trends that need to be addressed. Let’s roll through a few and see where we can help.

Chronic Conditions on the Rise

A major concern is the increasing prevalence of chronic conditions. 90% of health issues in Australia are chronic, and more Australians are living with multiple chronic conditions. These conditions significantly impact quality of life and place a burden on the healthcare system.

Lifestyle Factors and Chronic Diseases

Many chronic conditions are linked to lifestyle factors. E-cigarettes, alcohol consumption, obesity, and systemic inflammation contribute to heart disease, asthma, arthritis, dementia, and other chronic diseases. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), closely associated with obesity and unhealthy lifestyles, is also a growing concern.

The Ripple Effects of Modern Life

Australians are sleeping less, feeling more stressed, and spending more time online. These factors contribute to mental health issues and magnesium deficiency, which further exacerbates stress. Additionally, at least half of Australian adults experience unpleasant gut symptoms, impacting overall well-being.

The Power of Healthy Living

The good news is that a healthy and balanced lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of chronic diseases, ease symptoms for those already living with them, and improve overall quality of life. 

By making informed choices about diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management, Australians can take control of their health and well-being. Using tools to reconnect with nature, honour the needs of our bodies and fuel ourselves with great diet and lifestyle choices can have a lasting impact on how good we feel, each day.


Shop our favourite tools for better sleep, less stress, improving your micronutrients with superfoods and stronger gut health below. 



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